martes, 13 de julio de 2010

¿Qué quieres de mi?

Hey, slow it down. Whataya want from me? Yeah, I'm afraid. Whataya want from me? There might have been a time, I would give myself away. Once upon a time I didn't give a damn, but now here we are, so whataya want from me?

Just don't give up, I'm workin' it out. Please don't give in, I won't let you down. It messed me up, need a second to breathe, just keep coming around. Hey, whataya want from me?

Yeah, it's plain to see that, baby, you're beautiful and it's nothing wrong with you. It's me... I'm a freak but thanks for lovin' me, 'cause you're doing it perfectly. There might have been a time when I would let you step away, I wouldn't even try but I think you could save my life.

''Whataya want from me?''

When the stars explode and I'm all alone,
when they start to see the smoke,
when I finally burn out,
I'll need someone to carry me home,
safe and sound.
Someone like you

~Because you're my personal drug.

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I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
but everything we have is stuck in the moment,
and there's nothing my heart can do
to fight with time and space 'cause,
I'm still stuck in the moment with you...


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